+34 682 055 745

C/ Alonso Pérez, 1

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Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destinations

What is SICTED?

ALMONTE is a tourist destination committed to QUALITY and for this reason, it is part of an extensive network of destinations adhered to the Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destinations (SICTED). Es un proyecto de mejora de la calidad de los destinos turísticos promovido por la Secretaría de Estado de Turismo, con el apoyo de la Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP), que trabaja con empresas/servicios turísticos de diversos sectores con el objetivo último de mejorar la experiencia y satisfacción del turista.

SICTED is a methodology that provides a quality management systemin a tourist destination that pursues a homogeneous level of quality in the services offered to tourists and has a focus on continuous improvement and enhancement of the destination’s resources. It is based on the integral consciousness of destiny!

It offers, FREE of charge, a training plan, technical assistance visits by approved advisors, collective workshops, working groups that develop improvement proposals for the destination to the participating tourism companies/services.

The entire process culminates in obtaining the Tourism Quality Commitment badge, which is recognition of the effort and commitment to quality and continuous improvement, while distinguishing the establishment from the competition.

If you want your company to be part of this Quality System, contact the Department of Tourism by phone 682 055 745 or by email at [email protected]. ICTED manager in Almonte will assist you and inform you about all the distinction process.

Choose Almonte, choose commtment to tourist quality

Almonte began to be part of this project in 2016 and as proof of its Commitment to Tourism Quality, today there are 26 companies that have achieved this distinction.

The tourist can trust that those companies that have the SICTED logo have successfully passed the entire distinction process and will receive the best personalized attention, the best service and, ultimately, a very satisfactory experience. And that is our main goal!

If you want your company to be part of this Quality System, contact the Department of Tourism
Call us at 682 055 745 or write us an email at [email protected]