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Health & Wellness

Take a walk on the beach

Taking long walks on the beach is a habit that brings many benefits to our body, both physically and emotionally. Physical exercise carried out under a mild sun has a multiple of positive impacts on our body and emotional state, improving aerobic capacity, reinforcing our self-esteem and reducing stress levels. The cardiovascular and nervous systems are stimulated and reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even help control hypertension.

Nor can we forget our muscles and feet, since the sand activates them, strengthening bones, joints and toning the muscles. Our feet are one of the areas in our bodies with the most nerve endings and are deeply stimulated with each walk, favoring people with flat feet as walking on the sand increases the plantar vault and even helps recovery more rapid injury such as plantar fasciitis.

If the temperature of the water allows it, walking in the water is a plus that improves vascular problems, varicose veins and swelling of the legs since the irregularity of the sand makes a compression on the sole of the foot, which facilitates the return of the blood flow.

The beach is a place that invites relaxation and well-being: being in contact with the sand, listening to the sound of the waves under a pleasant sun, invites us to escape and release tension with each walk, it improves our mood and good functioning of our body and the benefits are endless. Do you need more reasons to encourage you to walk along our beach? Your body and your mind will thank you.


Recomendado para todas las edades
Hora óptima
A primeras horas del día o a últimas de la tarde
A evitar
Pasear por la playa en las horas de más calor
A tener en cuenta
Realizar el ejercicio con moderación

Being near the sea activates the body

The sea air we breathe in is stimulating, it makes the body work much better in only a few days: the thyroid gland receives a greater amount of iodine, which causes the metabolism to kick-start and the blood flow experiences a positive change. In addition, being near the sea enjoying the fact that we are the region of Europe with the most hours of sunshine, multiplies everything that contributes to our health and well-being:

It strengthens the bones

When sunbathing we receive vitamin D, essential for calcium to be absorbed for bone health. The exposure needed to obtain it depends on age and skin tone (in older people or people with dark skin, this process takes longer). The beach, as there are no obstacles to block the sun, is the right place to do it, always with sun protection and for short periods of time.

It regenerates the skin

Sea water is rich in iodine, potassium and zinc, making it a powerful skin regenerator thanks to its increased elasticity. Likewise, sand is a very effective natural exfoliant since it leaves our feet and skin very soft.

It Increase defenses

The ultraviolet rays responsible for tanning the skin also act against bacteria, viruses and fungi, activating the defenses, protecting us from possible aggressions. In turn, seawater has antibiotic properties that help wound healing.

It activates blood circulation

Walking on the sand exerts a gentle massage on the soles of the feet that activates the return blood circulation (from the veins), something that increases with the beating of the waves on the ankles.

It improves breathing

The sea breeze clears the airways, producing a nebulization effect: being saturated with ozone and tiny droplets of water, they help you breathe better and cleanse the lungs, keeping the mucous membranes healthy. People with respiratory problems are recommended to bathe in the sea to cut off mucus, cough or colds that prevent them from breathing properly.

It reduces stress

The sound of the waves recharges us and the sunlight has a direct influence on our hormonal balance by multiplying the hormones responsible for our well-being and vitality. In addition, bathing in the sea favors the proper functioning of our nervous system since seawater is rich in magnesium, a mineral that protects it.

It alleviates pain

Swimming and floating in the sea promotes muscle relaxation and recovery from muscle injuries. In addition, sea baths relieve the pain caused by rheumatic diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Well-being in Matalascañas with 'Salud al Día'

‘Salud al Día’, presented by Roberto Sánchez Benítez, is a program that shows all those aspects that can improve the quality of life of Andalusians such as diet, sports and other factors of the so-called ‘preventive health’.

Being a program that promotes healthy living, Matalascañas has been the protagonist on several occasions thanks to its many hours of sunshine per year, the landscapes that offer us the possibility of carrying out different sports activities individually and as a family. Both the Dune Park Association and the Espartanos Club organize multiple activities seeking to promote sport.

  • Matalascañas Dune Park Association
    Program for January 27, 2017 with the participation of the Matalascañas Dune Park Association hiking group, explains why hiking is promoted as a source of health, knowledge of the environment, history and traditions of this area. For more information about the Association, click here
  • Spartan Club of Matalascañas
    Program of November 13, 2016 with the participation of the Club Espartanos de Matalascañas, showing how cycling can be developed here at any level and age, running along the paths of Doñana or the seafront promenade and why it is feasible to practice swimming during almost all year round. For more information about the Club,click here
Matalascañas Dune Park Association
Spartan Club of Matalascañas