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Doñana ecuestrian

An Unbreakable Bond

The environmental, social and cultural relationship between Doñana and its surroundings produces an extraordinary legacy of traditions, among which the breeding of wild marshland horses stands out and whose greatest exponent is the Saca de las Yeguas.

The ranchers, popularly known as yegüerizos, treasure a set of knowledge and knowhow about the management of the marismeño horse but also about the ecosystems where this animal lives in freedom, which have been transmitted throughout generations. This trade represents a lifestyle, a culture of work that manifests itself in a very special interpretation of the man-cattle-environment relationship that finally penetrates deeply into the culture of the town of Almonte.

La Saca de las yeguas, is an activity rooted in the collective memory but, at the same time, it is very much alive and adapted to the processes of social change, it works in Almonte as a collective reference, a sign of identification and one of the most permanent links with Doñana. The techniques used by yegüerizos to manage the cattle of the marsh, the vera and the preserve, on the roads and in the corrals mimetically reproduce those that have been used over time. The farmers reaffirm it with pride, fighting for its permanence and its transmission to the local population, transforming a traditional farming practice into a way of articulating past and present.

Activities for all tastes

What better way to get to know one of the most important protected areas in Europe on horseback. The unique sensation of strolling through infinite virgin beaches of golden sand and dune landscapes of high ecological value is indescribable. Regardless of experience, with equestrian monitors and horses suitable for any level, horseback riding through the dunes and beaches of the Park on different itineraries will make you enjoy Doñana and its traditions.

The equestrian activities that can be enjoyed in the natural environment of Doñana range from round-up, cowboy dressage, classic riding, side-saddling, mule and carts, work dressage and ribbon racing.

Live your own Adventure

Ride along the longest beach in Spain

En Doñana podrás contemplar el amanecer más bello del
mundo o acariciar la naturaleza a lomos de un caballo.
Una manera original de descubrir la magia del entorno.